The Most Valuable 7 Seconds for Your Business

First impressions are the longest lasting. Studies have shown that people form their opinions within the first 7 seconds of meeting or seeing you! SEVEN SECONDS!!!

You want to exude confidence from the first impression. Underdressing is a poor reflection on your commitment, though I would also use caution in overdressing as well. My recommendation is to dress one step up from the rest. For example, if everyone is in jeans and T-shirt, wear jeans and a button-up for men, nice blouse for women. To add to that, I have seen people wear the same “stand out” shoes, hats, colors that also connect to their brand. When done right, this really works for them. 

Really, it is about presenting an appearance to compliment who you are in the setting you are in. Make your 7 seconds count!

Dr. Ingrid Pyka is an executive business consultant that has helped companies and entrepreneurs find success in their goals, guiding them through millions of dollars in increased revenues. If you would like to book Ingrid to keynote your next event, contact


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